“DD Fist of the North Star” is a current Japanese comic or “manga” series based on the popular 1980s manga series of nearly the same name, “Fist of the North Star.” Both versions were adapted into anime series.
After learning the ins and outs of this anime-themed “DD Hokuto no Ken”, or in English, “DD Fist of the North Star” pachinko machine, you should be more than ready to engage in your first dazzling pachinko endeavor. Trust us, you’ve never seen anything like it, and this article features two powerhouses of Japanese culture wrapped into one: an anime-themed pachinko machine. With flashing lights, swirling sounds and hundreds of tiny metal balls, Pachinko, or Japanese pinball, is a must-try for any tourist looking for the “Japan experience.” Too many visitors to Japan have never played the game of pachinko, even though the country-whether you’re in Tokyo or Hokkaido-is packed with pachinko shops.